Investor Relations
Message from the President

Naruhito Sonehara
To Our Shareholders and Investors
We, geechs inc., is currently listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market after listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers Market on March 20, 2019.We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support.
Based on our corporate vision of “Make the biggest impression in the 21st century”, our Group is configured with two other Group companies, and the IT Freelance Matching Business as our core business.
According to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s “Observation of the IT Human Resources Supply-Demand Gap,” there will be a shortage of up to 790,000 IT personnel by 2030, making the development and securing of IT personnel a major corporate issue and a social challenge that must be resolved.
On the other hand, the environment surrounding freelancers is changing dramatically, with the government’s work style reforms promoting “work styles that do not depend on employment,” companies beginning to adopt more fluid personnel assignments for each project, and a shift to work styles based on remote work, and the freelance population is expected to increase in the future.
With this as background, our IT human resources business provides a technical resource sharing platform that supports IT freelance workers and matches IT personnel with companies. We are working on this business with the idea of sharing skilled and talented human resources throughout society without being bound by the stereotype that we must hire them as full-time employees, and with the desire to lead the expanding freelance market.
Seed Tech business is being developed at Seed Tech Inc., which creates services and IT human resources from Japan to the world by leveraging the synergy between offshore development based in Cebu, Philippines and the education business which provides SaaS-type DX/IT human resource development service “Sodatech” for companies and operates programming school. We intend to further strengthen the collaboration between this business and our IT human resource business, and accelerate the growth of the Group.
In addition, our group company, G2 Studios, plans, develops, and operates smartphone games that are jointly produced with major game companies. Our strengths lie in our ability to create a flexible development line utilizing IT freelance through synergies with our IT Freelance Matching Business.
Moving forward, the Group will continue to pursue portfolio management that leverages Group synergies and strive to continuously increase corporate value so that shareholders can support us over the medium to long term. We sincerely ask for your continued guidance and encouragement.