Investor Relations
Q.What is the stock exchange on which your stock is listed?
Q.What is the security code?
Q.When is the financial results announcement?
Q.Where can I find the past financial results?
Q.When are the record date?
Q.Do you have a shareholder special benefit plan?
Q.1 What number of shares is the trading unit?
Q.How can I perform procedures for transfer of name and change of address?
Q.What is the date of the general meeting of shareholders?
Q.How can I exercise my voting rights at the General Meeting of Shareholders?
Q.How can I contact for inquiries, such as requests for information?
Q.What is the stock exchange on which your stock is listed?
A.The Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market.
Q.What is the security code?
Q.When is the financial results announcement?
A.Our fiscal year ends on the last day of March, and our interim results ends on the last day of September of every year. Financial results will be announced in May and November, respectively. We also disclose quarterly financial results.
Q.Where can I find the past financial results?
A.Please refer to the “Consolidated Financial Results,” or “Financial information” posted on the website.
Q.When are the record date?
A.The final date for the year-end dividend is the last day of March. In the case of the interim dividend, the date is finalized on the last day of September.
Q.Do you have a shareholder special benefit plan?
A.This is currently not available.
Q.1 What number of shares is the trading unit?
A.100 shares. ※1 Unit is an index of trading units.
Q.How can I perform procedures for transfer of name and change of address?
A.Please contact Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd., our administrator of the shareholder registry.
Q.What is the date of the general meeting of shareholders?
A.The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders is held around late June every year. The date, time, and place of the event will be announced to shareholders As of June 30 of each year by early June.
Q.How can I exercise my voting rights at the General Meeting of Shareholders?
A.The Company sends notices of the general meeting and a statement of voting rights to shareholders listed in the register as of the end of the record date of the general meeting of shareholders (March 31 in the case of the ordinary general meeting). To exercise voting rights,
(1) Attend the general meeting and bring the Exercise Form.
(2) Return the Exercise Form with indication of approval or disapproval.
Exercising of voting rights can be done by either of the above methods.
(1) Attend the general meeting and bring the Exercise Form.
(2) Return the Exercise Form with indication of approval or disapproval.
Exercising of voting rights can be done by either of the above methods.
Q.How can I contact for inquiries, such as requests for information?
A.Please contact us here.