
We have prepared a workplace environment and various benefit programs, including health management initiatives, so that our members can work with peace of mind, both physically and mentally, based on “well-being”.

Initiatives for Health Management

We are promoting health management through the formulation of our Health Management Declaration and organizational structure. We have prepared initiatives such as health management and promotion, work-life balance, and mental health measures to support our members and even their families.


Health Management Declaration

We consider the physical and mental health of our employees and their families to be essential and an important management resource. To realize our grand vision, we will work to create an environment in which employees can fully demonstrate their abilities and play an active role, and actively promote health management.

May 2021

Welfare and Health System

We believe that providing an environment and benefit program that allows employees to work with peace of mind, both physically and mentally, will lead to maximum performance, and through this we aim for the continued growth of the company.

  • Life Support


    Flexible working styles

    Various leave systems

    "Remo-Sapo" systems

    Continuance allowance

    Employees' Stock Ownership Plan

    Property accumulation savings

    "Fami-Sapo" systems

    Benefit Station

  • Health Promotion and Mental Health


    Enrolled in Kanto ITS Health Insurance Association

    Physical examinations/Gynecological examinations conducted

    Influenza vaccination

    Medical insurance (hospitalization coverage)

    "Jite-tsu" systems

    "Hogu-Sapo" systems

    geechs care

  • Career Development



    Let’s English conversation

    Eligibility for the pension system

    Recognition System

  • Work Environment



    Organizational Survey

  • Communication

    All Meeting / GEECHS Award

    Anniversary Events

    "Comu-Sapo" systems

    Club activities

